Holmes Shirley Law

Estate Planning

Stick_familyHolmes Shirley Law specializes in helping working families plan their estates.

Unfortunately, most individuals and couples have not yet done any estate planning. People postpone this important planning for a variety of reasons including avoiding having to discuss the difficult subjects of death and incapacity and believing that there will be a “better time” down the road for estate planning.  Many people tell themselves that they will do this planning when they are “wealthy enough” or the kids are grown.

Too often estate planning is not done and the results are devastating – both financially and emotionally. The time to do this type of planning is now, before you need it.

Estate planning ensures that your family and assets are protected in the event of your death or incapacity, or the death or incapacity of a spouse or other care-taker of dependent or special needs individuals.  It also ensures that your wishes are followed in regard to the distribution of your personal property and that spiritual, medical and other personal end of life choices are honored.

Additionally, estate planning can be a first step to getting your financial house in order – improving not only your current financial situation but allowing for the increase of wealth for subsequent generations.  When done correctly, it is an empowering process that provides security and flexibility.

Services provided by Holmes Shirley Law in the estate planning area include the preparation of last wills and testaments, revocable trusts, pet trusts, special need trusts, marital trusts, children’s trusts, guardianships, medical declaration/living wills, powers of attorney, HIPPA releases, long term care and other medical preference documents. Yet is important to remember that estate planning is a fluid process that adapts with your changing life, not simply a set of documents that sit on a shelf. 

Ensuring that every family, no matter its socio-economic position, has an estate plan is a passion of Karen’s.  She works hard to ensure that her firm offers affordable, personalized estate plans for anyone no matter their age, gender or net-worth.

Ready to Schedule an Appointment? Call 720-248-7621 or read more at How to Get Started With Your Estate Plan.

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