Holmes Shirley Law is working hard to respond appropriately to COVID-19 by practicing social distancing while still ensuring important legal matters are handled. On this page and through e-newsletters, we will share with you the steps we are taking to help keep you, our staff and our communities safe and healthy.
First, our office will be closed to walk in clients and visitors until at least Monday, April 6th. While the phones will continue to be answered by an off-site answering service, Erika and I will generally be teleworking from home and only limitedly in the office. Anyone needing to provide us with information or documents can do that by scanning the documents and emailing them to us, putting originals in the locked, secure metal drop box outside the office (this gets checked at least every other day) or by mailing us documents. We will keep our community informed of any additional changes to office hours or future programming.
The Colorado Bar Association is working hard to implement emergency procedures for notarization and witnessing if legal documents. Until such time emergency rules are implemented, we will work individually with each set of clients to find the best procedures and timing to best meet their needs within the current restraints.
Next, in the last few weeks we have increased the frequency and extent of our cleaning efforts as recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Our office team is dedicated and vigilant about frequent hand washing and will continue our frequent use of disinfectants on surfaces throughout the office. The office was thoroughly cleaned prior to closing and will be cleaned again before re-opening.
Once the office reopens, we will continue to strongly encourage anyone not feeling well or who has traveled to any of the areas with recommended quarantine/isolation periods to conduct their appointment by video or phone, or to reschedule to a later date. You can use this link, in addition to calling or emailing the office, to reschedule:
Please note in the comments if you prefer a phone or video conference.
Finally, until further notice we are waiving the two day cancellation requirement(s) set forth in our legal engagement agreements. We do request that you still call and/or email the office at least an hour prior to your scheduled appointment if you do not plan to attend or prefer the meeting to be conducted remotely. We reserve the ability to charge a cancellation fee if we are not notified.
As the situation is changing daily locally and nationally, we will continue to monitor the situation and continue to take steps to protect the health and well being of everyone we serve. We encourage each of you to follow the recommendations and guidelines from the CDC and local health agencies on preventative measures. We wish you all health and safety at this time.